
  • Australian superfunds 'dumping fossil fuel stakes'

    19 October 2022

    Australia's largest superfunds are rapidly selling off stakes in fossil fuel companies, a Market Forces report has found.

  • First State Super contracts Hermes EOS

    16 August 2018

    One of Australia's largest pension funds, First State Super, has selected Hermes Equity Ownership Services (EOS) to provide engagement services in overseas markets.

  • 50 names to be added to Climate Action 100+ engagement hit list

    21 February 2018

    50 more corporates are to be added to the $28 trillion Climate Action 100+ initiative's list of targets for climate-related engagement.

  • $26trn of investors sign up to climate engagement initiative

    12 December 2017

    More than 200 global institutional investors with over $26.3 trillion in assets have joined forces in a collaborative engagement initiative to drive swifter corporate action on climate change.

  • Asian banks focus on climate change opportunities, not risks

    06 September 2016

    Asian banks are more focussed on the opportunities arising from climate change than the risks, according to the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC).

  • Nearly half asset owners are 'negligently gambling on climate risk'

    27 April 2015

    Nearly half of the biggest asset owners in the world have failed to take action to safeguard their portfolios against the threat of climate change, according to a report.