
  • Chinese exchanges should require Scope 3 disclosures, investor group says

    29 May 2024
  • Feedback sought on first draft of Australian taxonomy

    28 May 2024

    The Australian Sustainable Finance Institute (ASFI) has opened a public consultation on the first draft of its proposed taxonomy, including its headline ambitions and first three priority areas.

  • LGIM leads push for Nippon Steel to disclose its climate lobbying

    22 May 2024
  • Australian government wins investor group praise for climate funding

    15 May 2024

    Investor groups have welcomed a AUD22.7 billion ($15.1 billion) funding package the Australian government has pledged to support the transition to net zero, development of sustainability fund labels and tackling 'greenwashing'.

  • 'Unprecedented': Woodside Energy climate plan rejected by investors

    24 April 2024

    Australian oil and gas firm Woodside Energy had its climate transition plan rejected by a majority of shareholders at its annual general meeting (AGM), with investor groups arguing this record-breaking opposition showed its plans remained "insufficient".

  • AUD80trn investors back 'essential' Australian climate reporting bill

    23 April 2024
  • ASEAN Taxonomy extended to transport, construction and real estate

    27 March 2024

    An update to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance has seen the ground-breaking 'green' list extended to cover the transport and construction and real estate sectors.

  • Basel 'faulty'

    20 March 2024

    US banks have urged the Basel Committee to re-draw 'flawed' climate disclosure rules, writes Michael Hurley

  • Investors urge Asian governments to develop policies for coal phaseout

    01 March 2024
  • Climate Bonds Initiative names advisory board, to consult on new climate resilience taxonomy

    29 February 2024