
  • People moves - AIIB and NextEnergy Capital

    23 March 2018

    Courtney Lowrance has left Citi to join the recently-established Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as a principal environment specialist.

  • Green Loan Principles could define "new shape of green finance"

    23 March 2018

    A newly-launched set of Green Loan Principles could prove a key catalyst to develop a robust green lending market, according to law firm White & Case.

  • Green Climate Fund commits extra $1bn to developing nations

    05 March 2018

    The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is to provide an additional $1.09 billion for climate mitigation and adaptation projects as it says it is ready to "shift gear" in helping developing countries hit climate goals.

  • Major investor initiative to tackle climate change on four fronts announced

    01 February 2018

    A landmark initiative to spur investors to attack climate change on the four fronts of engagement, disclosure, low-carbon investing and policy advocacy has been launched.

  • Fidelity names Michael Gibb as head of sustainable investing

    19 January 2018

    Fidelity International has appointed Michael Gibb as its head of stewardship and sustainable investing.

  • Winning the race for Asia's green capital

    23 November 2017

    Several Asian capitals have announced a variety of plans to attract 'green finance' to the region. What's needed now is a green investment bank in Hong Kong, argues Alexandra Tracy.

  • Moody's expects at least $120bn of green bonds by end of 2017

    10 November 2017

    Green bond issuance reached fresh highs in the third quarter and is on track to set a new record of at least $120bn in 2017, according to Moody's Investors Service.

  • JP Morgan is top green bond underwriter in Q3, with a string of EM deals

    13 October 2017

    JP Morgan seized the bragging rights to the green bond underwriting market in the third quarter of 2017, helped by a series of benchmark-sized issues in emerging markets.

  • Green Climate Fund makes $892m commitments

    06 October 2017

    The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has committed $500 million to a pilot programme that will finance REDD+ emissions reductions projects, and $392 million to fund another 11 climate finance projects in developing countries.

  • Tackling climate change in SE Asia

    24 August 2017

    Climate change is a significant threat to the economies of South East Asia. Alexandra Tracy reviews the main challenges, the government responses and the financing required for mitigation and adaptation measures.