
  • Controversial ExxonMobil lawsuit dismissed

    19 June 2024

    The Texas District Court has dismissed a lawsuit by oil and gas giant ExxonMobil described as an "attack on shareholder democracy".

  • Investor group backs SEC over courts for shareholder rights

    29 May 2024

    A group of 39 investors representing combined assets under management of $5.2 trillion have backed the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to continue as the preferred arbiter of shareholder proposals in the US.

  • Investors urge Exxon to drop 'silencing' climate action lawsuit

    09 February 2024

    Investors have urged ExxonMobil to drop a lawsuit against shareholders who filed a resolution calling on the oil major to set more ambitious emissions reductions targets.

  • Rise of AI can benefit impact data, APG says

    22 January 2024

    The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to identify and organise data presents opportunities in areas including sustainability-related impacts, according to one of Europe's largest asset managers.

  • More than half of major US companies 'failing' on equal pay

    24 March 2021

    More than half (26) of 51 of the largest US listed companies have been given a 'fail' grade for their inadequate progress to reduce the racial and gender pay gap, according to research by Arjuna Capital and Proxy Impact.

  • Exxon disappoints investors with response to 'stranded assets' risk

    01 April 2014

    ExxonMobil has rejected the suggestion from several investor groups that much of its fossil-fuel reserves will be rendered 'unburnable', as a result of global efforts to combat climate change.

  • Exxon Mobil to report on 'stranded assets' risk

    21 March 2014

    Energy giant Exxon Mobil has bowed to shareholder pressure to report on how it assesses the risk of its fossil fuel reserves becoming 'stranded assets' as a result of action to combat climate change.