Massive 'Kellanova bond' offers Mars investors 'significant impact potential'
07 March 2025The $26 billion bond issuance by US confectionery and pet food firm Mars to finance its acquisition of cereal and snacks maker Kellanova offers investors the opportunity to "drive progress at pace" around sustainability impact, especially around deforestation commitments.
'Hard to justify' nature financing within fixed income
06 March 2025Companies looking to finance their nature targets will face challenges with fixed income instruments, the Environmental Finance Natural Capital EMEA conference in London heard.
Saudi Arabia raises €1.5bn from 'testing' debut sovereign green bond
26 February 2025The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has issued its debut sovereign green bond with the €1.5 billion ($1.6 billion) tranche the first euro-denominated sustainable bond from a Middle Eastern sovereign.
People Moves, 21 February: Bezos Earth Fund; Ninety One; South Pole; CIP ... and more
21 February 2025 -
'SLBs can be the right tool for impact investing' urge investors
06 February 2025Sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) have the potential to be valuable impact investing tools and regulations in Europe could be building the right "home" for the performance-based instrument,...
KEPCO drops sustainable bond label from US dollar issuance
05 February 2025South Korean utility firm Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) has launched its first US dollar-denominated bond transaction without a sustainable bond label in years,...
From COP to coop
01 November 2024While COP16 is important, it is also worth paying attention to a bond issue from a UK chicken producer, write Ulf Erlandsson and Trisha Hutchinson
People Moves, 20 September: Mirova, CAM, Vision Ridge, AFII and more
20 September 2024 -
A tale of two triple-tranche sustainable bonds
07 August 2024After two innovative sustainability-focused triple-tranche bond deals from Ahold Delhaize and EDF in recent months, the Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute (AFII) argues the Dutch-Belgian supermarket chain ...
'Probably the most beautiful bond we have ever seen'
23 July 2024The Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute (AFII) has argued that sovereign issuers should develop a sustainability-linked bond (SLB) in twin-bond format, arguing this would "probably be the most beautiful bond we have ever seen".