
  • Amundi launches new responsible equity ETF for emerging markets

    05 February 2019

    Amundi has added to its range of 'socially responsible investing' (SRI) exchange traded funds (ETFs), with a new product tracking the MSCI Emerging Markets (EM) SRI index.

  • ERAFP awards emerging market corporate bond mandate

    24 January 2019

    French pension fund ERAFP has awarded a €160 million ($204 million) emerging market corporate bond mandate to Aberdeen Asset Management.

  • ESG stock outperformance driven by heightened demand, says Amundi

    15 January 2019

    Stocks that score highly on environmental, social and governance (ESG) themes have delivered above average returns since 2014, according to a study by Amundi.

  • $32trn group of investors demand greater government climate action

    10 December 2018

    Investors with a combined $32 trillion in assets have demanded governments increase action to tackle climate change.

  • IBRD marks 10 years of green bonds with $1.2bn issue

    14 November 2018

    The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), part of the World Bank Group, has issued two benchmark green bonds to mark the tenth anniversary of its entry into the market in 2008.

  • Amundi’s three-year pledge to ramp up ESG

    08 October 2018

    Amundi has pledged to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) analysis across all its funds and voting practices within three years, as part of a beefed-up responsible investment strategy.

  • TCFD exceeds target of 500 supporters

    26 September 2018

    A total of 513 organisations have now expressed support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), beating the secretariat's target of 500 by the end of this year.

  • Natixis proposes toolkit to tackle SDG-washing

    21 September 2018

    Investors are "massively dissatisfied" with the way companies report their contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to Natixis.

  • EIB and World Bank join forces to boost green bond market

    14 September 2018

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) and World Bank, issuers of the first green bonds in 2007 and 2008 respectively, plan to work together to help more companies, municipalities and other sub-national issuers bring such bonds to market.

  • Setting a European benchmark

    10 September 2018

    The European Commission's bold proposals to reform benchmark regulation are designed to increase the flow of green finance and reduce the risk of 'greenwashing'. Michael Hurley asks why change is required