
  • $9.5trn group of asset owners calls for 'smarter not more' engagement on climate

    16 November 2023

    A $9.5 trillion group of asset owners has urged their asset managers to set clearer objectives for climate engagement with their investees, as one member called for a 'smarter not harder' approach.

  • People Moves 15 October: McKinley returns to BlackRock, Leigh-Bell leaves CBI, and Howchin quits Swedish funds

    15 October 2021
  • People Moves: LuxFLAG, Aviva, LGIM, Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative, NAB, Allianz SE and ING

    07 June 2019

    The Luxembourg Finance Labelling Agency (LuxFLAG) has appointed Sachin Vankalas as general manager.

  • $32trn group of investors demand greater government climate action

    10 December 2018

    Investors with a combined $32 trillion in assets have demanded governments increase action to tackle climate change.