
  • COP: Sustainable food and agriculture declaration a 'positive signal' for the market

    01 December 2023

    A high-level declaration to develop more sustainable food and agriculture systems has been signed by 134 world leaders at COP28, providing a 'positive signal' for the market, Environmental Finance has heard.

  • 'More rigorous' standards see biennial review register big drop in sustainable assets

    29 November 2023

    A big drop in the total assets judged as 'sustainable' globally has been reported in the latest in a series of biennial reviews, with tightened criteria in response to a "rise in greenwashing and greenhushing".

  • $9.5trn group of asset owners calls for 'smarter not more' engagement on climate

    16 November 2023

    A $9.5 trillion group of asset owners has urged their asset managers to set clearer objectives for climate engagement with their investees, as one member called for a 'smarter not harder' approach.

  • ASCOR to assess countries based on contribution to $100bn climate finance goal

    14 November 2023

    A first-of-its-kind free tool to help bond investors assess countries' climate progress has been launched that will see investors rate sovereigns on factors including their contribution to the problem and the finance they commit to address it, following changes to its draft methodology.

  • Corporate transition finance framework 'common ground' project launched

    09 November 2023

    The Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) has published an initial mapping of transition finance frameworks as part of a collaborative project to "demystify" the topic for corporates amid a proliferation of frameworks.

  • People Moves, 3 November: Fidelity, Blue Earth Capital, FoSDA, Low Carbon and more

    03 November 2023
  • Investor groups publish 'harmonised' responsible investment definitions

    02 November 2023

    The UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), CFA Institute, and Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA) have published a harmonised set of definitions for investment managers around five of the most commonly used responsible investment strategies.

  • ESG data regulation risks fragmenting industry, major data providers warn

    30 October 2023

    Divergence in regulatory approaches risks fragmenting the lucrative global market for ESG data, a group of major data providers has warned.

  • Investors 'trapped in quandary over whether 1.5°C is achievable'

    27 October 2023

    Investors are "trapped" in a quandary of working towards targets based on keeping warming to 1.5°C, while confidence evaporates that countries and companies are reducing emissions at a fast enough rate to do so, an asset owner has warned.

  • Food and agriculture companies lack sustainable expertise on boards

    04 October 2023