
  • WBA requests feedback on nature benchmark

    12 January 2022

    Investors and businesses have been invited to provide feedback on a methodology for assessing "the 1,000 most influential companies" worldwide on their contributions to nature and biodiversity-related UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • 'Impact accounting' bodies launch survey of existing approaches

    07 January 2022

    The Value Balancing Alliance (VBA) and Impact-Weighted Accounts initiative (IWAI) at Harvard Business School have asked organisations to explain how they 'value' their positive and negative social and environmental impacts.

  • Ocean disclosures 'missing' from Danish pension funds

    22 December 2021

    Danish pension funds are failing to engage with the impact of their investments upon the oceans, the Green Digital Finance Alliance (GDFA) has said.

  • WBA reveals how it will assess financial system on SDGs

    15 December 2021

    The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) has published the methodology for assessing the financial system's contribution to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

  • NZAOA has 'low' climate voting transparency

    09 December 2021

    Several members of the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) lack transparency when it comes to their proxy votes cast on climate-related proposals, academics have said.

  • Banking on net zero ... by 2050

    08 December 2021

    The Net Zero Banking Alliance has attracted some of the world's biggest lenders. What has been achieved so far, asks Thomas Cox

  • $10trn asset owner alliance urges blended climate finance push

    29 November 2021

    The UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) has urged development finance institutions (DFIs) to better use public-private finance partnerships...

  • Gas, nuclear and the taxonomy: fuelling controversy

    19 November 2021

    The EU is preparing to reveal its decision on whether to include nuclear and gas in its sustainability taxonomy. Michael Hurley presents the state of play

  • COP26 outcome suggests private finance left to pick up climate slack

    15 November 2021

    The final text of the climate agreement by countries at the UN climate summit in Glasgow represents only incremental progress on previous conferences and leaves considerable slack for private finance to pick up on the path to net zero, according to commentators.

  • COP26 round-up, 3 November: UK, South Africa and GFANZ

    03 November 2021