
  • GFANZ calls for portfolio alignment feedback

    09 August 2022
  • 'Game-changing' zero-deforestation soy finance initiative launched

    04 August 2022

    Three major UK supermarket chains have invested $11 million in a 'green bond'-backed soy farming finance initiative providing financial incentives for Brazilian farmers to commit to cultivating soy without engaging in deforestation or land conversion.

  • NZAOA urges ISSB to explicitly recommend 'net zero' targets

    28 July 2022

    The UN-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) has urged the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) to "expressly integrate" net-zero emissions...

  • NZAOA-sponsored research tackles Scope 3 pathways

    20 July 2022

    Three publications commissioned by the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) aiming to help investors calculate their Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions have been published.

  • AllianceBernstein partners with Impact Engine

    24 June 2022
  • Carbon pricing needs radical redesign, says NZAOA

    22 June 2022
  • GFANZ issues transition plan recommendations & 'ambition' tracker

    15 June 2022

    The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) has issued 10 recommendations for financial institutions to adopt in their net-zero transition plans, including metrics to track portfolio 'ambition', sector-specific pathways and pan-sector strategies to avoid 'paper decarbonisation'.

  • 'World-first' green fintech taxonomy goes live

    30 May 2022

    A system to classify financial technology in shades of sustainability has been launched in what is thought to be a world first.

  • NZAOA, AFII launch net-zero fixed income collaboration

    26 May 2022
  • Carney: Some fossil fuel investment justified

    11 May 2022

    The transition to a net-zero carbon economy requires "nothing short of a revolution", although some limited investment in fossil fuels is justified in the short term, Mark Carney has said.