
  • Integrate climate risk now, insurers told

    16 September 2019

    Insurers should start integrating climate risk into their management and business operations now, and not wait for the perfect tools, according to a report from the Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) and UK charity ShareAction.

  • NN Group announces restrictions on coal-related underwriting

    29 May 2019

    NN Group is to stop providing insurance services to companies that derive more than 30% of their revenues from thermal coal mining from 1 July.

  • Aegon supports Follow This climate resolutions

    13 May 2019

    Dutch insurer Aegon has announced its support for nine climate resolutions at four major oil firms' annual general meetings (AGMs).

  • Dutch investors pressure oil and gas sector to strengthen climate targets

    12 April 2019

    A group of heavyweight investors including NN Investment Partners (NN IP), Actiam, Aegon and Kempen have urged the entire oil and gas sector to set stringent targets to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

  • People Moves: Aviva, Aegon Asset Management, Muzinich & Co, PRI and Palladium

    08 March 2019

    Maurice Tulloch has been appointed as chief executive officer of Aviva. He will replace Sir Adrian Montague who acted as interim CEO and will revert to his role as non-executive chairman.

  • Investors urge steel sector to increase low-carbon tech spend

    19 February 2019

    A network of investors with more than $32 trillion in assets says it expects companies in the highly polluting steel sector to significantly increase spending on new technologies if they are to survive the energy transition.

  • People Moves: Natixis, Wells Fargo Asset Management, Schroders, PIMCO, Truvalue Labs, MSCI, SASB, Boston Trust and Walden, ANZ and Swiss Association for Responsible Investment

    15 February 2019

    Harald Walkate has been appointed as Natixis Investment Managers' first head of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ESG.

  • Investors call for tougher sustainability standards for palm oil

    16 August 2018

    Global investors managing about $6.7 trillion have called on the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) to adopt a more robust and effective standard for production of the widely-used vegetable oil.

  • Thimann leaves Axa for Athora in Germany

    11 June 2018

    Christian Thimann, a leading figure in several sustainable finance initiatives, has joined Bermuda-based insurance company Athora, after four and a half years in senior roles at Axa Group.

  • World's top insurers stalling on climate change drive

    25 May 2018

    While insurers are increasingly aware of environmental risks which might impact both sides of their balance sheet, new research has found that their investment strategies are not in line with the Paris Agreement. The research was published the same week Royal Dutch Shell held its AGM and shareholders, including some large insurers, were asked to vote on a climate resolution. Did they stand up to the test? Paul Walsh and Vincent Huck report