
  • Pension funds buy Italian solar plants

    07 August 2013

    A European investment fund, acting on behalf of pension funds and other institutional investors, has bought four solar energy plants in Italy.

  • White certificates under the microscope

    06 August 2013

    As France considers overhauling its energy efficiency obligations framework, just how good are white certificate schemes at sparking energy efficiency investments, ask Jacquelin Ligot and Priyankar Agarwal.

  • California takes 'final step' prior to carbon offset issuance

    06 August 2013

    California's cap-and-trade system has passed a "major milestone" after a project registry issued the first offsets that can be used for compliance by the state's emitters, subject to a final review by the regulator.

  • North Sea storage site boosts CCS hopes

    05 August 2013

    The UK's bid to build its first carbon capture and storage project was boosted today by claims that a site capable of holding 200 million tonnes of the greenhouse gas has been discovered in the North Sea.

  • Solar services company appoints two key executives

    05 August 2013

    A rapidly growing US solar services company has expanded its executive team with two key hires.

  • Japanese trading house takes €100m stake in renewables developer

    05 August 2013

    One of Japan's largest trading companies has agreed to buy a 25% stake in a solar and wind project developer for €100 million ($133 million).

  • UK firm taken to court for carbon credit investment scheme

    02 August 2013

    A UK firm promoting carbon credit investments has been taken to court over investment schemes believed to be illegal by the UK Financial Conduct Authority.

  • Australia's clean energy fund links with forestry investor

    01 August 2013

    Australia's clean energy fund has signed an agreement with an asset manager focused on sustainable forestry to finance bioenergy and biofuel projects.

  • Middle Eastern promise

    01 August 2013

    The Middle East is poised to become a hotspot of renewables activity over the next few decades. Graham Cooper outlines which countries and sectors hold the most promise for investors.

  • CHPA head joins Green Investment Bank

    31 July 2013

    Graham Meeks, former director of the Combined Heat and Power Association (CHPA), is the latest senior hire at the UK's fast-growing Green Investment Bank.