
  • Bond investors 'now pricing in' oil and gas firm climate strategies

    27 March 2023

    Fixed income investors have increasingly been pricing in the climate strategies of oil and gas firms following the energy crisis sparked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to ABN Amro.

  • Fidelity: SBTN will struggle to measure nature

    02 March 2023

    The Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) will "struggle" to measure nature when preparing its science-based targets for nature protection, an executive at Fidelity has said.

  • People Moves 24 February: TPI, SBTi, Clarity AI and more...

    24 February 2023
  • Jefferies: SBTs for nature to 'coalesce around a small group' of metrics

    17 February 2023

    Corporations are likely to use a small number of sector-specific metrics to measure their contribution to nature-related targets under the draft Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) methodology for land, Jefferies Research has predicted.

  • SBTN launches draft targets for nature conservation on land

    15 February 2023
  • Philippines opens consultation on sustainability-linked bond standards

    07 February 2023
  • US pension funds call on banks to disclose emissions targets

    27 January 2023
  • SBTN prepares to launch first corporate targets for nature

    16 January 2023

    A trial of a corporate target-setting framework for nature is set to be launched by the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN), in an important step towards creating a nature-based equivalent of the climate-focused Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

  • Basel climate guidance could trigger more conservative capital ratios, central banker says

    16 December 2022

    Climate guidance provided by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is "good news" for climate analysis and data collection, and could result in more conservative capital ratios for banks, according to a central banker.

  • Basel Committee provides climate risk guidance for capital requirements

    09 December 2022

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has published guidance for banks intended to provide a "globally consistent" interpretation of how to integrate climate-related financial risk...