
  • The green and sustainability loan market: ready for take-off

    20 July 2018

    Green and sustainability loans are the hot new trend in sustainable finance. Could they outgrow the booming green bond market, ask Nick Roumpis and Peter Cripps.

  • People Moves: Tideway, CalSTRS and Nature Conservancy

    06 July 2018
  • Environmental Finance Green Bond Awards winners revealed

    28 March 2018

    Environmental Finance's Green Bond Awards have grown for the second consecutive year, as the number of categories expands in line with a rapidly expanding market.

  • Investors wake up to collective engagement clout

    26 March 2018

    Climate-related resolutions at Exxon and Shell garnered the support of the world's largest investors. Now asset managers and owners are massing together to move entire sectors, writes Michael Hurley.

  • Green Loan Principles could define "new shape of green finance"

    23 March 2018

    A newly-launched set of Green Loan Principles could prove a key catalyst to develop a robust green lending market, according to law firm White & Case.

  • Stimulating green finance in Africa

    14 March 2018

    African countries have the potential to achieve their sustainability objectives through innovative funding of climate-change projects, including green bonds, say Mindy Hauman and Tallat Hussain

  • Franklin Templeton launches its first climate change fund

    06 March 2018

    Franklin Templeton Investments has repurposed one of its products as its first fund focused on climate change goals.

  • TCFD needs to become mandatory to prosper, expert tells UK parliament

    27 February 2018

    A compulsory approach to reporting in line with the recommendations of the FSB's Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is necessary for the initiative's long-term survival, according to an expert.

  • Tackling climate change in SE Asia

    24 August 2017

    Climate change is a significant threat to the economies of South East Asia. Alexandra Tracy reviews the main challenges, the government responses and the financing required for mitigation and adaptation measures.

  • World Bank issues $360m cat bond for Mexico

    04 August 2017

    The World Bank has issued a $360 million catastrophe bond to provide Mexico with protection against financial losses from earthquakes and tropical cyclones.