
  • UK green finance strategy 'fails to address challenge of financing transition'

    31 March 2023

    The UK's green finance strategy has been accused of "failing to address the ... challenge of financing the overall energy transition" by not explaining how the country aims to promote investment to decarbonise its economy.

  • ICVCM and its carbon principles are 'too late to the party', CfRN claims

    31 March 2023

    The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) has arrived too late for carbon markets, an executive at sovereign market proponent CfRN has claimed, on the day it released its core carbon principles.

  • What role does the voluntary carbon market have in an Article 6 world?

    15 March 2023

    India has shown how national carbon trading can work in tandem with voluntary markets, argues Finn O'Muircheartaigh

  • Banks invest $45m in carbon offset trading platform

    08 February 2023

    BNP Paribas is among nine banks who have invested $45 million together in voluntary carbon credit trading platform Carbonplace.

  • Carbon credit labelling can tackle integrity concerns, says standards body

    19 January 2023

    A labelling scheme to help investors identify 'high quality' carbon credits in the voluntary markets will propel the growth of credit sales in tandem with ensuring the integrity of the market, a senior figure at the body developing the label has said.

  • 'Integrity council' readies first approvals of carbon credits programmes

    19 January 2023

    A body aiming to bring 'integrity' to the voluntary carbon markets is preparing to approve its first carbon credits programmes, with a label to denote carbon credit quality set to be ready by September, it has said.

  • People Moves 13th January: PRI, Standard Chartered, Bridges Fund Management and more...

    13 January 2023
  • Carbon markets can help provide nature-based solutions

    21 December 2022

    The US Nature Based Solutions roadmap suggests finance through private measures but misses an opportunity to fully utilise the voluntary carbon market, argues Torrey Sanseverino

  • PCAF sovereign debt methodology plugs gap in emissions accounting, says Allianz

    21 December 2022

    The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) has published a methodology to help investors in sovereign debt account and report their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which Allianz says helps fill a gap for financial institutions.

  • Carbon offsets must only come after emissions reductions, UK group advises

    08 December 2022