
  • Can COP28 turn the tide?

    22 August 2023

    With 100 days until COP28 in Dubai, can the summit reassure investors that the slide into climate catastrophe can be stopped, asks Peter Cripps

  • COP28 needs to deliver clarity on Article 6

    22 August 2023

    With 100 days to go until COP28, the conference needs to nail down the technicalities of Article 6, if the carbon markets are to be used to help meet national emissions reduction targets, writes Genevieve Redgrave

  • Pensions regulator voices 'concerns' on climate scenarios

    02 August 2023

    The UK's Pensions Regulator (TPR) "shares concerns" that the outputs of climate scenario models may be unreliable, a senior executive has said.

  • Carbon Upcycling secures $26m in venture capital funding

    31 July 2023
  • VCMI carbon credit claims 'cannot be used for offsetting'

    30 June 2023

    Carbon credits cannot be used for offsetting emissions instead of reducing emissions within corporate value chains, or for making 'carbon neutral' claims, under the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI)'s Claims Code.

  • VCMI launches Claims Code to 'accelerate' credible carbon offsetting

    28 June 2023

    A rulebook for companies that aims to speed up corporate use of credible carbon credits has been launched by the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI).

  • TNFD metrics 'don't allow direct assessment of COP15 contribution'

    15 June 2023

    The draft core disclosure metrics of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) do not show whether businesses are fulfilling a key goal of the final agreement from COP15, data providers and consultants have claimed.

  • People moves, 21 April: Standard Chartered, VCMI, Lloyds ... and more

    21 April 2023
  • Carbon markets waiting on details before using Integrity Council principles, says IETA

    21 April 2023

    Carbon market participants are waiting for more detail from the Integrity Council before they apply its core carbon principles, the International Emissions Trading Association has said.

  • ICVCM responds to criticism following carbon principles release

    06 April 2023

    The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) has responded to claims its work has come too late, following the release of its carbon principles, by stressing the need for offset standards.