
  • Low Carbon appoints Harriet Parker

    17 December 2021
  • 10 US asset managers emit 3bn oil barrels a year

    16 December 2021

    The annual financed emissions of 10 of the largest US asset managers are equivalent of three billion oil barrels, a report has said,...

  • Green bond issuers urged to disclose absolute carbon emissions

    07 December 2021

    The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) has urged green bond issuers to begin disclosing the absolute carbon emissions...

  • Cryptocurrency snaps up 2% of VCU carbon offset supply

    01 December 2021

    A climate-focussed cryptocurrency has bought at least 2% of the global supply of one of the main types of carbon offset in recent weeks, in a move that has helped drive up prices, Environmental Finance understands.

  • Carbon credits will be 'junk' without corresponding adjustments

    18 November 2021

    Buyers in the carbon market will start discerning credit quality based on whether they follow the new "corresponding adjustments" rule agreed under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement at the COP26 Climate summit, S&P Global has predicted

  • MassMutual takes 25% stake in UK renewables investor Low Carbon

    16 November 2021

    MassMutual has bought 25% of privately-owned UK asset manager Low Carbon as part of a strategic partnership...

  • PCAF floats idea of 'facilitated emissions'

    11 November 2021

    The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) has launched a consultation on two documents...

  • Scaling carbon management and removals

    10 November 2021

    Rapid growth in the carbon management sector can help meet the Paris Agreement goals, but policymakers, capital markets, science and entrepreneurs must all play their part, says Jonathan Goldberg

  • UK group presents voluntary carbon markets guide at COP26

    05 November 2021

    A UK group to promote "high-integrity, scaled markets" for voluntary carbon offsets has presented guidance at COP26, which aims to predict "what the future of the ... markets may look like".

  • Investors welcome UK's plans for mandatory transition reporting

    03 November 2021

    Investors and NGOs have given a cautious welcome to the UK's plans to introduce mandatory reporting for financial firms on their transition strategies.