
  • Macquarie invests in carbon offsets consultancy

    07 October 2022
  • Climate inconsistency in financial reports could be 'greenwashing'

    06 October 2022

    The inconsistent handling of climate-related factors in the financial statements of highly carbon-exposed companies could be evidence of 'greenwashing,' according to Carbon Tracker.

  • Benefits with friends?

    27 September 2022

    A means of more accurately tracking the non-carbon outcomes of carbon credits is central to addressing inefficiencies in voluntary markets, argues Nick Atkinson

  • Building integrity into voluntary carbon markets

    22 September 2022

    'Core carbon principles' will be crucial to bolstering the integrity of voluntary carbon markets, writes Annette Nazareth

  • NZAOA members 'red flagged' for not targeting engagement

    21 September 2022

    An undisclosed number of Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) members have been red-flagged for not setting engagement targets in time and face heightened pressure to do so.

  • Biodiversity credits 'could be bigger than voluntary carbon'

    02 September 2022

    Biodiversity credits have the potential to follow the growth of the voluntary carbon markets, and could become a mass market in two or three years, a fund manager has claimed.

  • BlackRock, Temasek among investors in Carbon Direct

    25 August 2022
  • Viridios AI to integrate BeZero Carbon's ratings

    23 August 2022
  • Carbon exchange suggests ICVCM could create market bottleneck

    23 August 2022

    AirCarbon Exchange (ACX), a Singapore-based exchange for carbon credits, is sceptical of plans to "audit" the quality of credits in the voluntary carbon market, led by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM).

  • EU carbon price hits record high

    22 August 2022

    Carbon allowance prices under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) increased by over 10% to a new record high last week, peaking at more than €99 ($99.70).