
  • Sovereign green bonds should 'move on from railways' for impact

    18 April 2024

    Sovereign issuers have been urged by an investor to look beyond clean transport - in particular, railways - for their green bond allocations in order to improve impact, an Environmental Finance event heard.

  • Hungary mulling transition bond following Japan's success

    17 April 2024

    Hungary is considering issuing a transition bond, after the success of Japan's trailblazing sovereign issue opened the possibility of other sovereigns adopting the label, delegates at Environmental Finance's Sustainable Debt EMEA conference heard.

  • Hungary 'looking into' sustainability-linked, social bonds after green update

    14 August 2023

    After updating its green bond framework, Hungary is considering expanding into other sovereign sustainable bond labels. Ahren Lester reports

  • Green label helps Hungary issue longer-dated debt

    23 February 2022

    Hungary has raised JPY59 billion ($514 million) from its second 'samurai' sovereign green bond, with the green label helping it to attract investors to longer duration paper.

  • Investing in the oceans

    21 October 2019

    Investors targeting SDG14 – life below water – can find themselves fishing in murky waters, writes Joe Walsh