
  • Finance in Motion raises $60.2m for sustainable forestry fund

    23 August 2018

    Impact asset manager Finance in Motion has announced the first close of its Arbaro sustainable forestry fund, having raised $60.2 million.

  • Green bonds round-up, 18 July 2018

    18 July 2018

    Terna, the operator of the Italian electricity grid, has entered the green bond market for the first time, with a €750 million ($872 million) offering maturing in July 2023.

  • €8.9bn Irish sovereign wealth fund to divest from fossil fuels

    12 July 2018

    The €8.9 billion ($10.4 billion) Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) is to divest from fossil fuels within five years following the passing of a bill in the Irish parliament, in what has been hailed a seminal moment in the country’s transition to a low-carbon economy.

  • Climate Action 100+ expands its reach and attracts new backers

    04 July 2018

    An additional 61 companies have been added to Climate Action 100+ list, increasing the reach of the investor-backed initiative that aims to engage with "systemically important greenhouse gas emitters".

  • Swiss energy storage fund reaches final close at €252m

    27 June 2018

    A range of European pension funds and family offices have invested in the SUSI Energy Storage Fund (SESF), helping it reach €252 million ($293 million) by its final close.

  • New food index finds most meat and fish companies are of ‘high risk’

    30 May 2018

    More than half of meat and fish companies are of ‘high risk’, according to the first index for global food companies launched by the $5.9 trillion investor network FAIRR.

  • Environmental Finance Green Bond Awards winners revealed

    28 March 2018

    Environmental Finance's Green Bond Awards have grown for the second consecutive year, as the number of categories expands in line with a rapidly expanding market.

  • Climate-related disclosure: a new dawn

    21 March 2018

    Numerous developments are helping to drive improvements in corporate reporting of non-financial issues and to raise investor expectations, says Adams Koshy.

  • IFC and Amundi close world's largest green bond fund

    16 March 2018

    The world's biggest green bond fund was officially launched today, having raised $1.42 billion to buy paper from banks in emerging markets.

  • South Pole launches EcoAustralia to support Aussie biodiversity

    21 February 2018

    South Pole has launched a new product to support the regeneration and preservation of Australia's biodiversity.