
  • Qatar sovereign wealth fund invests in renewable energy storage

    30 December 2020

    The Qatar Investment Authority has committed to invest $125 million to take an undisclosed stake in energy storage provider Fluence.

  • IFC tightens coal phase-out conditions on financial clients

    22 September 2020

    The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has strengthened its approach to thermal coal investment exposure among its financial institution clients, announcing it will not make equity investments in firms that do not have a phase-out plan in place.

  • NY Green Bank sets record for capital allocations

    17 February 2020

    2019 saw NY Green Bank make $276.1 million in capital allocations - its most in a calendar year since its inception.

  • Danish pension fund PKA engaging with 64 oil and gas giants on climate

    09 February 2018

    Danish pension fund PKA has said divestment is a possibility for 64 oil and gas companies with which it is currently engaging on climate-related issues.

  • Mexican and Canadian pension funds buy $1.35bn of Enel renewables

    11 October 2017

    Canadian institutional investor Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (La Caisse) and a consortium of Mexican companies have paid $1.35 billion for a majority share in eight Enel wind and solar assets.

  • Investor groups launch campaign to engage utility sector on climate change

    29 April 2016

    A group of investors representing $20 trillion has launched a campaign to engage with utility companies.

  • Energy storage - a technology whose time has come?

    18 February 2016

    Large-scale use of batteries to store electricity could be critical for the future growth of renewable energy. Recent developments mean the sector is almost ready for institutional investors, says Graham Cooper

  • Which utilities are set to be hit hardest by the Paris climate agreement?

    21 December 2015

    The utilities sector is set to bear the brunt of the Paris climate agreement, as it will require a wholesale shift away from thermal power generation, analysts at UBS have warned.

  • AES set to issue $100m solar ABS

    30 September 2015

    US energy firm AES Corporation is set to raise $100 million through issuing solar asset-backed securities (ABS).

  • Stranded assets report names companies with dirtiest coal stations

    13 March 2015

    The power companies that own the dirtiest coal-burning power stations have been named in a report designed to help investors identify potential 'stranded assets'.