
  • Green Investment Group makes £38m waste-to-energy investment

    08 September 2017

    The Green Investment Group has committed to invest £38 million ($50 million) in the construction of a 70MW waste-to-energy facility in the UK, alongside a syndicate of lenders.

  • ESG can't stand still in a changing world

    23 August 2017

    Technological developments, such as the rise of artificial intelligence, machine learning and the growing risk of cyber attacks, are relevant to ESG, argues Fiona Reynolds

  • Canada's La Caisse pays C$287m for Boralex stake

    27 July 2017

    Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (la Caisse), one of Canada's major institutional investors, has paid C$287.5 million ($229.5 million) for a 17.3% stake in renewables company Boralex.

  • Foresight makes first subsidy-free Portuguese solar farm purchase

    10 July 2017

    Foresight Group has bought the 7.2MW Vale Matenças solar farm, its first investment in a utility scale solar project in Portugal without a government subsidy.

  • ShareAction takes over Asset Owners Disclosure Project

    13 June 2017

    ShareAction has taken over leadership of the Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) to further its responsible investment message in US and Australian markets.

  • US businesses with $1.4trn in revenue commit to Paris

    07 June 2017

    More than 900 US businesses and investors representing $1.4 trillion in annual revenue, along with 125 cities, 9 states and 183 educational institutions have signed a letter, committing to remain faithful to the Paris Climate Agreement.

  • UK's low-carbon economy 'could grow to 13% of GDP'

    05 June 2017

    The low-carbon economy could grow to account for as much as 13% of the UK's gross domestic product (GDP) in the next thirty years, up from 2% today, according to a letter from Aldersgate Group, representing some of the country's business leaders.

  • Comment: Trump and Paris - who will have the last laugh?

    02 June 2017

    As he announced that the US was to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord, President Donald Trump claimed that the rest of the world was laughing at the US for signing the agreement, and they won't be laughing any longer.

  • Voluntary carbon market fell 31% in 2016

    30 May 2017

    The amount spent on the voluntary carbon market fell 31% in 2016, from the previous year, as demand for offsets did not meet supply, according to a report from US not-for-profit Ecosystem Marketplace.

  • Comment: Deforestation presents a material risk for investors

    17 March 2017

    NGOs and investors are increasingly pressing companies to take action against deforestation, say Mindy Lubber and Fiona Reynolds