
  • Number of companies with emissions targets doubles, says CDP

    06 November 2015

    Hewlett Packard Enterprise has urged companies to "take swift and bold action" to address climate change, as research reveals the number of firms with emissions-reduction targets has doubled since 2010.

  • Trade in forest-based carbon credits reaches record high

    05 November 2015

    The value of forest-based carbon credits traded last year soared 17% to a record $257 million from $219 million in 2013, according to Ecosystem Marketplace.

  • Insurers demand action on climate change

    01 October 2015

    The leaders of 15 insurance firms have written to the governor of the Bank of England demanding "urgent action" on climate change.

  • UK asset manager accuses PRI of 'losing its way'

    14 September 2015

    The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has been accused of having "lost its way" by an asset manager hoping to join the organisation's board.

  • Aviva and NGOs welcome Standard Chartered's coal mine withdrawal

    12 August 2015

    Standard Chartered's decision to withdraw its support from the giant Carmichael coal mine in Australia has been welcomed by a leading investor.

  • The UK announces plan to slash renewables subsidies further [UPDATED]

    23 July 2015

    The UK government has dealt a fresh blow to the renewables sector by outlining plans for another cut to subsidies as part of a drive to reduce consumers' energy bills.

  • More than $5bn committed to Divest Invest

    03 July 2015

    More than $5 billion has been committed to a campaign to divest from fossil fuel companies and invest the freed up capital in the low-carbon economy.

  • Cleantech Syndicate and CREO merge to form $80bn alliance

    16 June 2015

    CREO Networks and the Cleantech Syndicate have merged to form the CREO Syndicate, an $80 billion network of private investors and family offices.

  • Norwegian government backs oil fund coal divestment

    28 May 2015

    Norway's NOK7 trillion ($894 billion) oil fund is to divest more of its coal holdings after the country's politicians gave an earlier-than-expected backing to plans to reduce its exposure to the commodity.

  • GIB makes first investment in social housing

    30 March 2015

    The UK's state-owned Green Investment Bank (GIB) has made its first investment in social housing. The bank has committed £2.5 million ($3.7 million) to a project to install energy efficient, low-carbon heating systems in up to 28 sheltered housing developments managed by UK property company Places for People.