
  • Last chance to vote in Voluntary Carbon Market Survey

    06 May 2016

    Environmental Finance is extending voting for this year's Voluntary Carbon Market Survey until noon (BST) on Monday 9 May.

  • Norges Bank gives boost to Exxon and Chevron climate change resolutions

    05 May 2016

    Norges Bank's backing of climate change resolutions at ExxonMobil and Chevron will boost investor confidence in their outcome, according to one engagement specialist.

  • GRI releases first sustainability reporting standards

    19 April 2016

    The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has made its first set of sustainability reporting standards available for public comment. They comprise three standards that are applicable to all organisations and three topic-specific standards covering emissions, indirect economic impacts and public policy.

  • Voting opens for the Annual Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings

    15 April 2016

    For the seventh year, Environmental Finance is conducting its annual rankings of the voluntary carbon markets.

  • Getting to work: the climate-disclosure taskforce's first report

    01 April 2016

    In a bid to promote 'decision-useful' disclosure for investors, the FSB's Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures has released its inaugural report. Sophie Robinson-Tillett reports

  • 93% of US-listed companies 'affected by climate risk'

    10 February 2016

    Climate risk affects 93% of the US equities market, according to a report.

  • Climate disclosure task force urged to recommend 2°C stress test

    10 February 2016

    Fossil fuel companies should stress test their businesses for a future in which global warming is limited to 2°C and disclose the results to investors.

  • FSB reveals big hitters behind new climate change task force

    22 January 2016

    The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has named the members of its new climate change working group.

  • National Bank of Abu Dhabi commits to $10bn support for sustainable business

    18 January 2016

    The National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) has pledged "to lend, invest and facilitate" $10 billion of financing over the next 10 years to projects focussed on environmentally sustainable activities.

  • EF BRIEFS: 8point3, Credit Agricole, Canadian Solar, Munich RE, Euronext

    07 December 2015

    Euronext signs up to Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative