
  • FSB Taskforce will require companies to perform 2°C scenario analysis

    02 November 2016

    The Financial Stability Board (FSB) Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures is to recommend that companies reveal how they will be affected by policies introduced to restrict global warming to no more than 2oC.

  • Banks pledge support for UAE's sustainability goals

    26 October 2016

    Eight banks have committed to support the sustainable development goals of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by signing the Dubai Declaration on Sustainable Finance.

  • Green finance - at a tipping point?

    24 October 2016

    Eric Usher, head of the UNEP Finance Initiative, tells Graham Cooper about the challenges facing the organisation as it prepares to celebrate its 25th anniversary.

  • The process of integrating the environment and finance has only just begun

    19 October 2016

    The 'green economy' is a hot topic at the moment. It moved up the agenda thanks to the game-changing Paris climate agreement. And momentum continued to grow this year as a result of the importance that the G20 has placed on 'green finance'.

  • Earth Capital secures initial investment for sustainable technology fund

    19 October 2016

    Earth Capital Partners (ECP) said it has secured the first investments into a new sustainable technologies fund it is managing on behalf of the Nobel Sustainability Trust.

  • EU ETS fails to curb cement sector emissions, says think tank

    12 October 2016

    The carbon intensity of the cement industry in the European Union has increased since the launch of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) in 2005, said environmental think tank Sandbag.

  • GRESB revises green bond guidelines as EDF launches energy efficiency standard

    05 October 2016

    The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) has revised its green bond guidelines one year after they were launched.

  • Green finance "an opportunity" to uphold financial stability, says Carney

    23 September 2016

    Bank of England (BoE) governor Mark Carney has, in another landmark speech, highlighted the "major opportunity" presented by the green economy, saying that its growth can help promote financial stability.

  • Environmental risks are 'still not adequately viewed by the mainstream'

    19 September 2016

    Traditional approaches of incorporating environmental factors into risk management are increasingly being recognised as "insufficient", according to a report commissioned by the G20.

  • Green bond comment - August

    02 September 2016

    The green bond market could see $100 billion of issues this year.