
  • Green bond round-up, 07 February 2018

    07 February 2018

    Belgium is expected to commence a series of meetings with investors tomorrow as it officially revealed its intention to issue a green bond "in the near future".

  • UK parliament to weigh merits of making TCFD mandatory

    14 January 2018

    An independent audit committee is to examine whether the recommendations of the FSB's Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) should be made mandatory by the UK government.

  • Structural work underpins carbon market optimism

    03 January 2018

    If 2017 was the year of carbon market maintenance, with legislation extending the life of schemes in the US and Europe, 2018 could be defined by greater linking between initiatives, says Michael Hurley

  • Corporates unprepared to meet TCFD's target for 2018 disclosures, survey finds

    20 December 2017

    Fewer than one in five corporates plan to disclose in line with Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations next year, according to a survey by South Pole Group, despite the FSB's target for disclosure from 2018.

  • TCFD garners support from wide range of corporates and investors

    13 December 2017

    Support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) from companies, and investors has grown strongly since the group published its final recommendations in June, its chairman Michael Bloomberg said.

  • £100m UK sustainability fund looks to seize Brexit opportunity

    27 November 2017

    A fund aiming to invest £100 million ($134 million) in UK sustainability projects has been launched to try to exploit post-Brexit opportunity in the country, with backing from the co-founder of Hargreaves Lansdown.

  • COP blog: Transparency high on the agenda for investors

    13 November 2017

    Many investors are turning out at COP23 in Bonn to explain to ministers and delegates the importance of financial disclosures in line with the TCFD recommendations, says Peter Damgaard Jensen

  • Green bond comment, November 2017

    01 November 2017

    It was great to have something positive to announce about the US green bond market at this year's Green Bonds Americas conference!

  • Glennmont closes on €190m refinancing with first Italian wind bond

    31 October 2017

    Glennmont Partners has issued Italy's first bond for the wind sector as it successfully completed its second refinancing in a month.

  • September smashes records with a dozen mini-benchmarks

    04 October 2017

    September set a new monthly record for the value of green bonds issued, with $16.1 billion of deals having settled in the month.