
  • Standardisation of ESG data may not be a good thing, says Yale academic

    15 November 2018

    Standardisation of data on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues may hinder rather than help investors, according to a researcher at Yale University.

  • Masdar signs first green loan in Middle East

    10 October 2018

    Renewable energy company Masdar has signed a green revolving credit facility (RCF) with four banks to fund investments in its international clean technology and sustainable real estate projects.

  • Financial centres set out principles for sustainability taxonomies

    18 September 2018

    The International Network of Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) has set out ten principles that sustainability taxonomies should meet to avoid increasing transaction costs for financial institutions and to avoid policy confusion.

  • Majority of world’s largest pension funds neglect climate risk, says AODP

    10 September 2018

    Nearly two thirds of the world’s largest pension funds have little or no disclosed strategy on climate change, potentially putting them at risk of breaching their fiduciary duty to savers, according to a study by the Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP).

  • Will insurers keep up with the Jones?

    20 August 2018

    California's Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones has been threatened with US lawsuits for his efforts to act on climate-related risks. Undeterred, he hopes his work can now drive international action, he tells Michael Hurley

  • Private sector lagging on climate disclosure, report claims

    17 August 2018

    Private sector asset owners tend to be less prepared than their public sector counterparts to make voluntary public statements and disclosures related to climate change, a report has claimed.

  • Dublin chosen to promote sustainable finance in Europe

    17 August 2018

    Dublin has been selected as the European hub of the Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) network.

  • Private equity must improve transparency to reap green benefits, says investment manager

    16 August 2018

    Private equity firms must do more to improve their transparency if they are to embrace the low-carbon transition investment opportunity, according to Earth Capital Partners (ECP).

  • Sovereign wealth funds worth $3trn devise climate framework

    06 July 2018

    Six of the biggest sovereign wealth funds, with a combined $3 trillion in assets, have come together to launch a framework on how to integrate climate change into their investment decisions.

  • People moves: Palladium, Renewables Consulting Group and Impax

    15 June 2018