
  • CA100+ investors welcome SBTi validation of ČEZ targets

    18 July 2022
  • Major European banks provided large-scale financial support to coal industry

    15 July 2020

    European banks including Barclays, BNP Paribas and Societe Generale loaned billions of euros to coal companies across the EU in 2019, according to a report.

  • Almost all CA100+ power utilities at risk of stranded assets

    16 July 2019

    Most of the world’s largest power utilities that have coal capacity are at risk of making the transition to a low-carbon transition in a disorderly manner, potentially compromising tens of billions of dollars in shareholder value, the Carbon Tracker Initiative has found.

  • Coal utilities boosted by €16bn since Paris Agreement, say NGOs

    21 May 2019

    Eight financial institutions have given Europe's 'most polluting utilities' almost €16 billion ($17 billion) in support since the Paris Agreement was signed in December 2015, a new briefing by NGO Europe Beyond Coal has found.

  • EU carbon market update, 13 May 2019

    13 May 2019

    In last week's update we said that there were few fundamental reasons for EUAs to test the year's highs, but nonetheless they gave it a good try!

  • Set climate targets, power sector told by investors with $11trn in assets

    20 December 2018

    Twelve of Europe’s highest-emitting power companies have been instructed to set out Paris-aligned transition plans by a group of investors with $11.5 trillion in assets under management (AUM), as they warn of the ‘potentially catastrophic’ effects of climate change.

  • French banks boost coal financing by 52% after COP21

    27 November 2018

    French banks have increased their coal financing by 52% following the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement.

  • Climate Action 100+ expands its reach and attracts new backers

    04 July 2018

    An additional 61 companies have been added to Climate Action 100+ list, increasing the reach of the investor-backed initiative that aims to engage with "systemically important greenhouse gas emitters".

  • ČEZ mandates Aquila to build wind portfolio

    04 January 2016

    Czech power company ČEZ-Group has signed a deal with Aquila Capital to help it build a wind power portfolio in Germany.