
  • New York Fed climate stress test demonstrates 'substantial' risk for banks

    28 September 2021

    Researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have published a transition risk-focused climate stress test metric for banks, which demonstrated climate risk was "economically substantial" for some lenders during the 2020 energy crisis.

  • ISS: ESG shareholder lawsuits settle in US but struggle elsewhere

    27 September 2021

    The growing number of ESG-related lawsuits brought against companies by investors often win pay-outs in the US but struggle in other countries due to cultural differences, ISS ESG has said.

  • COP26: Self-interest to help settle critical climate ambition and 'who pays' questions

    27 September 2021

    A rising global realisation that it is in the self-interest of each country to deliver climate action could help settle the thorny questions at the UN COP26 climate summit in November of ambitious targets and who funds transition investment in developing nations.

  • S&P: Water scarcity will be 'greatest climate threat' to assets by 2050

    23 September 2021

    Water stress will be the greatest climate-related hazard to corporate physical assets by 2050

  • ECB warns banks face severe impact from run-away warming

    22 September 2021

    Runaway climate change would increase by 30% the risk that the most exposed banks would default by 2050...

  • Triodos to avoid UK green bond amid 'blue' hydrogen inclusion

    20 September 2021

    With the inaugural UK sovereign green bond expected this week, Dutch sustainable investor Triodos has decided not to invest in the issue amid concerns around the use of proceeds - in particular, the inclusion of 'blue' hydrogen. Ahren Lester reports

  • $3.2trn investor group to 'step-up' chemical sector emissions engagement

    09 September 2021

    An investor working group has been formed to "step-up" engagement with major chemical firms around their carbon emissions, arguing the sector has been "neglected" by investors as being 'hard-to-abate'.

  • Issuing sustainability-linked bonds 'won't allow Philip Morris to bypass exclusions'

    08 September 2021

    Issuing sustainability-linked bonds will not provide tobacco giant Philip Morris International (PMI) an alternative route into bond portfolios...

  • Oil firms facing increased cost of capital as ESG pressure grows, says Aegon

    26 August 2021

    Rising pressure on investors and banks to take a more stringent stance on environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns is leading to more limited access to, and rising cost of, debt for oil firms, according to Aegon Asset Management (Aegon AM).

  • HSBC, Standard Chartered and Barclays provide $12bn in fossil fuel financing in 2021

    19 August 2021

    HSBC, Standard Chartered and Barclays have supported a combined $12 billion in fossil fuel financing in the first six months of 2021, which campaigners said undermines the climate pledges made by the lenders ahead of the COP26 climate summit in the country later this year.