
  • US Treasury 'watching with interest' investor transition planning

    19 May 2022

    Investors' work to assess and influence companies' decarbonisation plans is increasingly being watched by regulators as they study how to improve such approaches, a senior official at the US Treasury has said.

  • Asset managers must end fossil fuel investment

    18 May 2022

    There's no way for asset managers to hit net zero targets without setting fossil fuel exclusion policies, argues Desiree Fixler

  • SCOR, an insurer committed to the climate?

    17 May 2022

    SCOR has so far been slow to respond to the climate emergency, argues Lucie Pinson

  • The burden of box ticking

    17 May 2022

    Sustainability reporting often fails to capture complicated discussions in emerging markets, FSSA's Alistair Thompson tells Genevieve Redgrave

  • Gas inclusion would 'debase' UK taxonomy

    16 May 2022

    The UK has been warned that including natural gas in its taxonomy of green activities would "debase" the exercise, and waste an opportunity to show leadership on sustainable finance.

  • AXA IM Alts contributes to $150m carbon capture company funding

    12 May 2022

    Carbon Clean aims to tackle challenges of carbon capture utilisation and storage

  • Carney: Some fossil fuel investment justified

    11 May 2022

    The transition to a net-zero carbon economy requires "nothing short of a revolution", although some limited investment in fossil fuels is justified in the short term, Mark Carney has said.

  • Allianz to halt investments in new oil and gas fields

    03 May 2022

    And will require 'net-zero by 2050' commitment from hydrocarbon producers

  • Public sector leasing and lending can help the transition

    27 April 2022

    Non-bank lenders will be needed to help local authorities meet their net zero targets, argues Caroline Davis

  • GFANZ lamented for 'no clear signs it has achieved anything'

    21 April 2022

    A group of civil society organisations has written to Michael Bloomberg and Mark Carney to demand the $138 trillion financial sector coalition they co-chair to step up its game, in a letter that complained the initiative had shown no signs that it has achieved anything.