
  • Coal business resorts to "haphazard coalition" of insurers as giants retract

    10 June 2022

    Financiers and governments at risk if they accept inexperienced underwriters, says Insure Our Future

  • Macron and Bloomberg launch climate data transparency drive

    06 June 2022

    An initiative has been launched to boost transparency on climate data, and allow companies to be "held accountable" for their net zero commitments.

  • Examining countries' vulnerability to physical climate risks

    03 June 2022

    S&P Global Ratings assesses the vulnerability of 135 countries to climate change and lays out the case for climate finance

  • BoE's Breeden warns against 'paper decarbonisation'

    01 June 2022

    There is a risk of a failed energy transition if financial institutions do not back up their transition plans with investment to decarbonise heavy-emitting activities, a senior Bank of England official has warned.

  • Australia's AGL Energy ditches coal demerger

    31 May 2022
  • Investors warned of plastics industry's pollution 'ambivalence'

    30 May 2022

    Investors in the European plastics industry have been warned of its 'ambivalence' towards the pollution problem, with the sector named as a 'high risk option'.

  • California state pension fund fossil fuel exit bill progresses

    27 May 2022
  • Exxon shareholders support net-zero scenario report

    26 May 2022

    Shareholders at US oil & gas supermajor ExxonMobil have voted in favour of a resolution to report on a net-zero by 2050 scenario.

  • M&G faces shareholder backlash on its climate transition plan

    26 May 2022

    One-fifth of shareholders reject net-zero emissions commitments

  • HSBC rejects comments by its head of RI about climate

    23 May 2022

    HSBC has distanced itself from the remarks of a senior employee who delivered a controversial speech about 'Why investors need not worry about climate risk'.