
  • EPA sees CAIR replacement in two years

    30 April 2009

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hopes to have an emissions control programme to replace the rejected Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) established in two years, according to a top EPA official.

  • A bond boost for green tech markets?

    01 April 2009

    A new concept in public finance – voluntary environmental improvement bonds – could unlock massive untapped retail demand for a whole range of environmental technologies, says Michael Curley

  • Auction, EPA reveal doubts over SO2 and NOx markets

    01 April 2009

    An auction of US sulphur dioxide (SO2) allow­ances for use in 2016 cleared at $6.63/ton, a level well below most market expectations and one that reflects the increasing uncertainty about the future of existing US emissions markets.

  • US ditches mercury trading plans

    12 February 2009

    US plans for a cap-and-trade system to cut mercury emissions are likely to be abandoned in favour of regulation, after Barack Obama's administration decided to drop a key appeal.

  • CAIR reinstatement revives emissions markets

    01 February 2009

    US emission markets were brought back to life after judges agreed to a limited reprieve of the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR). Allowance prices jumped as speculators and utilities entered the market, but bearish fundamentals have since brought them back down to earth.

  • Bush administration abandons plans to loosen NSR

    01 December 2008

    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has dropped a proposal that would have allowed some existing power plants to expand without installing new pollution controls, surprising environmentalists who have battled for years against the planned rule change.

  • After the inauguration

    01 December 2008

    The speculation is intense, the facts limited. But, as key appointments emerge, Gloria Gonzalez reports on the politics and personalities that may shape the Obama administration's environmental record

  • The fuels of the future?

    01 October 2006

    Production of biofuels is rocketing, underpinned by strong ­regulatory support. Ronnie Lim considers the prospects for the industry, and flags up some companies to watch