
  • US court surprises with EPA pollution rule decision

    21 August 2012

    A federal court has struck down the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), leaving the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) markets in place by default.

  • UK re-considers Severn barrage plan

    20 August 2012

    Plans to build a massive electricity-generating tidal barrage across the UK's Severn estuary have been re-opened, following assurances that private investors – including sovereign wealth funds – will be able to bear the entire cost of the project.

  • Three clean-tech crunch issues in US elections – HSBC

    17 August 2012

    Analysts at HSBC Bank have identified three touchstone issues for the climate and clean-tech sector ahead of the US elections – and say the post-election introduction of a carbon tax is a "wild card" policy.

  • Commission confirms CO2 limits for cars, vans in 2020

    12 July 2012

    The European Commission on Wednesday ended months of speculation over carbon dioxide (CO2) emission limits for cars and vans in 2020 by confirming targets already floated in existing legislation.

  • UN suggests carbon tax to help raise $400bn of development finance

    09 July 2012

    The UN has proposed financial mechanisms to raise $400 billion of development finance, including a $25 tax per tonne of carbon dioxide emissions in developed countries.

  • Germany's federal, state governments agree on solar tariff cuts

    28 June 2012

    Germany's federal and state governments have reached agreement to cut feed-in tariffs for German solar power by an almost identical amount to what was proposed in March, and subsidies will halt completely when the country's solar power capacity reaches 52GW.

  • Europe's €20bn sustainable energy budget under pressure

    20 June 2012

    The European Commission is planning to make more money available for sustainable energy projects over 2014-20, despite an underspend of the budget in the current period.

  • US solar PV installations surge in Q1

    14 June 2012

    Solar energy installations in the US were close to a record high in the first quarter of this year and are expected to rise 75% in 2012, as developers complete a backlog of projects that were racked up to take advantage of a concluding subsidy programme, according to an industry report.

  • CAIR emissions rule seen in place for a year or more

    11 June 2012

    The Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) could remain in place for another year or longer in the likely scenario that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fails to win on all elements of a legal challenge against the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), according to a leading lawyer.

  • OPIC's clean energy export drive

    06 June 2012

    The Overseas Private Investment Corporation's clean energy division has flourished over the past few years. Lynn Tabernacki, its managing director of renewables and clean energy, talks to Gloria Gonzalez