
  • EIB consults on energy lending policy

    12 October 2012

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has opened a consultation on its lending policy for the energy sector, posing questions over its future commitment to renewables financing.

  • Norway doubles carbon tax, launches $2bn climate fund

    10 October 2012

    Norway will nearly double its carbon tax on the offshore petroleum sector, increase its funding for the prevention of deforestation in developing countries and launch a new climate and energy fund, according to its draft 2013 budget.

  • EPA requests rehearing on air pollution regulation

    09 October 2012

    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has asked a full appeals court to weigh in on the legality of its Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR).

  • Cargill to avoid high-carbon shipping

    02 October 2012

    Three companies are to avoid chartering the least-efficient vessels in the global shipping fleet, in a bid to reduce the environmental impact of their businesses.

  • Commission stalls ship emissions regulation

    02 October 2012

    The European Commission has confirmed it will delay plans to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from shipping, but will work on monitoring, reporting and verification systems.

  • UK Green Investment Bank CEO named

    27 September 2012

    Private equity financier Shaun Kingsbury has been named as the chief executive officer of the UK Green Investment Bank (GIB).

  • UK Green Investment Bank may struggle to invest initial £3bn – UKGI

    24 September 2012

    The £3 billion ($5 billion) allocated to the UK's Green Investment Bank (GIB) by government is likely to be adequate for its first few years of operation, according to one of the officials running its precursor.

  • US states should mull green banks as federal cash dries up – report

    12 September 2012

    US states should follow Connecticut's lead in establishing green banks to fund renewable energy and efficiency projects, as federal financing support for the clean energy industry fades away, according to a new report.

  • DC court overreached in CSAPR ruling – law professor

    06 September 2012

    The DC Circuit Court acted aggressively in overruling the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) latest effort to control power plant emissions, going beyond the usual level of judicial oversight of federal agencies, according to one legal expert.

  • Scrubbed out

    05 September 2012

    Trading in the US emissions markets is unlikely to recover after the DC Circuit Court dealt another dose of uncertainty. Gloria Gonzalez reports