
  • Chinese solar imports won't face preliminary anti-subsidy duties – EU

    08 August 2013

    Chinese solar products sold to the EU will not be subject to provisional anti-subsidy duties, signalling that a "friendly final agreement" which will benefit investors is in sight.

  • Could a central bank rescue the EU ETS?

    07 August 2013

    With the EU ETS on its knees amid an oversupply of allowances, it is time to set up a 'Central Carbon Bank' to oversee the market, argues Julian Richardson.

  • White certificates under the microscope

    06 August 2013

    As France considers overhauling its energy efficiency obligations framework, just how good are white certificate schemes at sparking energy efficiency investments, ask Jacquelin Ligot and Priyankar Agarwal.

  • Middle Eastern promise

    01 August 2013

    The Middle East is poised to become a hotspot of renewables activity over the next few decades. Graham Cooper outlines which countries and sectors hold the most promise for investors.

  • Thirteen years on

    30 July 2013

    Environmental Finance magazine was launched in September 1999. As he steps down 13 years later, founding editor Mark Nicholls reflects on the journey

  • EU-China solar trade deal 'relief' for investors

    30 July 2013

    A compromise suggested by the EU and China in their long-running solar trade dispute has been hailed as a relief for investors, but could deal a further blow to Europe's solar manufacturers and installers.

  • Methane deal 'could be next' for US-China talks

    29 July 2013

    Cutting methane emissions could be next on the agenda for the US and China, amid signs that the "two carbon elephants" are increasingly cooperating to tackle climate change, according to a report.

  • What if the Aussie ETS comes early?

    23 July 2013

    Australia's Prime Minister wants to bring in an emissions trading system a year earlier than planned. What would this mean for the country's role in tackling climate change, asks Erwin Jackson.

  • Spain deals '€1.35bn' blow to renewables firms

    15 July 2013

    Spain's latest planned subsidy cuts will cost the renewables sector €1.35 billion ($1.8 billion), according to a research note.

  • UK opens wheat-fuelled biorefinery, ahead of EU vote

    10 July 2013

    The UK's largest biorefinery, officially opened on Tuesday, will produce 420 million litres of bioethanol – a third of the country's current need – when operating at full capacity, the owners said.