
  • Banker calls for sustainability reporting metrics to be standardised by law

    26 September 2013

    The sustainability metrics reported by companies should be standardised and defined by law to help the environmental, social and governance investment sector expand beyond its current niche, a conference heard.

  • Stern backs new climate change economics study ahead of Paris 2015

    24 September 2013

    Businesses and government leaders have launched a project to analyse impacts of climate change on the economy, backed by leading economist Nicholas Stern.

  • China to introduce carbon tax alongside emissions trading - IETA

    24 September 2013

    Chinese industry is likely to face a carbon tax as well as a national emissions trading system (ETS) from 2016, according to the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA).

  • Investor interest not a major driver of corporate sustainability – survey

    23 September 2013

    Only 12% of chief executives see investor interest as a major driver of corporate sustainability practices, while the vast majority say governments have a key role to play, according to an international survey of 1,000 CEOs.

  • Rules for new US power plants 'to boost gas and renewables investment'

    23 September 2013

    The US Environmental Protection Agency's proposed carbon emission limits for new power plants will spur investment in clean energy, but natural gas is expected to be the big winner, according to observers.

  • EU carbon prices fall after 'missed opportunity' to reform ETS

    19 September 2013

    European carbon prices have taken a hit after the European Parliament's environment rejected a proposal to move quickly to structurally reform the market and impose a 2030 climate and energy framework.

  • Mobilising renewables investment in uncertain times

    18 September 2013

    Initiatives are underway to boost investments in European renewable energy, but the vast amount of private capital needed to transition the EU to a low-carbon economy must be unlocked by stronger policies, argues Stephanie Pfeifer

  • UK politician mulls waste derivatives push

    18 September 2013

    The introduction of waste-related hedging products would bring more certainty for investors in the sector, according to a UK politician who has set up a working group to review the viability of waste derivatives.

  • Novel finance structure could help institutional investors back renewables

    18 September 2013

    An innovative financing structure that enabled a Danish pension fund to help finance a wind farm has the potential to encourage further institutional investor backing of renewables projects, according to a research paper.

  • Africa poised for dramatic growth in renewables

    16 September 2013

    Across Africa, conditions are increasingly favourable for a sharp rise in renewable energy generation, market analysts say.