
  • US invests $84m in research projects to drive down CCS costs

    08 November 2013

    The US government has committed to invest $84 million in projects that aim to lower the costs of carbon capture and storage (CCS).

  • A business perspective on COP19

    08 November 2013

    Going into this year's UN Climate Change meeting (COP19) in Warsaw, solutions are needed for a number of significant issues in order to lead to an equitable and effective UN global climate agreement in 2015, says International Chamber of Commerce Secretary General Jean-Guy Carrier

  • EU ETS backloading saga nears conclusion as states agree to start 'trialogue'

    08 November 2013

    EU member states today gave the go-ahead to begin talks with the Parliament and Commission on a short-term fix to boost prices in the region's emissions trading system (ETS).

  • Will COP19 deliver on REDD?

    07 November 2013

    The upcoming UN climate talks have been described as a 'REDD+ conference', according to Anna Bolin and Matt Leggett, who outline issues that negotiators must tackle to help drive demand for forest carbon credits

  • Fears of forest carbon supply glut grow, with 1.4bn credits set to enter the market

    07 November 2013

    Developers of forest carbon projects are planning to issue 1.4 billion credits in the next five years, fuelling fears of a supply glut.

  • A salute to South Africa

    31 October 2013

    South Africa's plan to add 17.8GW of renewables capacity by 2030 is staggering in its scale. It means that some 42% of the energy generation installed between 2010 and 2030 will be clean.

  • Sustainability reporting 'hits plateau'

    31 October 2013

    The growth in the number of listed companies reporting key sustainability metrics is "slowing dramatically", a report has warned.

  • Rio+20 prompts rethink of management education

    29 October 2013

    A new initiative will help business schools address sustainable development in their management programmes, explains John North.

  • Investors and businesses lobby for early EU ETS reform

    25 October 2013

    A group of 53 businesses, investors and trade associations has called on the European Commission to bring forward, to the end of this year, draft legislation to reform the beleaguered EU Emissions Trading System (ETS).

  • $3trn investor coalition heaps 'stranded asset' pressure on fossil fuel firms

    24 October 2013

    A coalition of investors worth $3 trillion has joined forces to write to 45 of the biggest oil and gas companies demanding how they are dealing with the threat of 'stranded assets'.