
  • RGGI calls on EPA to encourage emissions trading

    03 December 2013

    US states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) have suggested that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should include similar market-based approaches in its guidance to help other states curb their emissions.

  • Carbon Tracker appoints senior lawyer as first CEO

    03 December 2013

    Anthony Hobley, global head of sustainability and climate change at law firm Norton Rose Fulbright, is to become the first CEO of the Carbon Tracker Initiative.

  • Beijing and Shanghai launch pilot carbon markets

    29 November 2013

    Beijing and Shanghai have launched pilot emissions trading systems (ETSs) this week, marking the latest effort by China to develop the world's largest carbon market.

  • COP19: boon or bust?

    27 November 2013

    The UN climate talks in Warsaw kept a 2015 agreement within grasp – but offers little for investors, at least in the near-term, finds Katie Kouchakji

  • Analysts warn of Keystone risk to investors

    26 November 2013

    TransCanada's $5.3 billion Keystone XL pipeline, which has been proposed to carry oil from Canada's oil sands to the US Gulf Coast, is a risky proposition for investors, new research suggests.

  • Environmental investment opportunities in emerging markets

    26 November 2013

    There are compelling opportunities for the private sector to make profitable investments in the most energy inefficient area of the world, argues Dimitris Tsitsiragos

  • RWE drops plans for '£4bn' UK offshore wind farm

    26 November 2013

    RWE has cancelled plans for of an offshore wind farm in the UK, blaming technical challenges and market conditions for making it uneconomic to go ahead.

  • Warsaw climate talks keep 2015 deal within grasp

    25 November 2013

    Negotiators at this year's UN climate talks reached an agreement on how to further advance climate action ahead of global deal in 2015, but little progress was made on the financing of climate measures.

  • UK market reforms to 'create problems' for renewables finance

    21 November 2013

    Renewables projects will face further challenges securing finance amid sweeping reforms to the UK government's flagship incentive programme, according to developers and lawyers advising industry on the changes.

  • COP Blog: WTF – Where's The Finance?

    21 November 2013

    The annual UN climate talks – known as the Conference of Parties, or COP – had been billed, all too optimistically, as a 'Finance COP'.