
  • Speed up EU ETS reforms or risk lost decade: Climate Change Capital

    25 February 2014

    The EU's Emissions Trading System risks suffering a "lost decade" unless policymakers bring forward plans to combat the oversupply of allowances dogging the market, Climate Change Capital has warned.

  • Japan overtakes UK in attractiveness for renewables investment

    25 February 2014

    Japan is now more attractive than the UK for renewable energy investments, according to consultants EY.

  • World's first gas-based CCS project wins UK government support

    24 February 2014

    The UK government has agreed to fund an engineering and design study for what could become the world's first carbon capture and storage (CCS) project at a gas-fired power plant.

  • Energy efficiency, cities, and the Clean Trillion

    14 February 2014

    $36 trillion in clean energy investment is needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Ten cities are stepping up to the plate and investors are likely to follow, argues Brandon Smithwood

  • The challenges of financing offshore wind

    11 February 2014

    With utilities struggling to finance offshore wind farms, institutional investors are being asked to step in. What financing challenges are facing the sector and what are the developments helping facilitate cheaper capital, asks Charles Yates

  • 70% rise in emissions covered by cap-and-trade since EU launch, says report

    06 February 2014

    The volume of global emissions covered by emissions trading systems (ETS) is set to rise 70% by 2015 since the world's first carbon market was launched in the EU, a report has forecast.

  • The European Commission is taking a big gamble with the CDM

    05 February 2014

    Gareth Phillips says the European Commission is wrong to exclude international emission reduction credits from the EU carbon market after 2021.

  • Norway's $800bn 'oil fund' halves coal production holdings

    29 January 2014

    Norway's $800 billion sovereign wealth fund has divested half of its holdings in coal miners over the past two years, its manager has said.

  • Emerging economies require new finance models for renewables

    24 January 2014

    The financial models that work in developed countries are not necessarily as effective in emerging markets. Adopting appropriate funding mechanisms could help reduce costs in these markets by as much as 30%, argues David Nelson

  • EU ETS oversupply to disappear by 2025 if Commission plan is adopted – UBS

    23 January 2014

    The European Commission proposed 2030 Climate and Energy package would remove the entire oversupply in the region's carbon market by 2025 if adopted, according to analysts.