
  • COP blog: Big dams must not be allowed to sink the Green Climate Fund

    15 November 2016

    Friends of the Earth
    While little discussed at the COP, the channeling and use of climate finance must now take centre stage as the board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) prepares to meet next month in Samoa.

  • COP blog: The price of not investing in water

    10 November 2016

    European Investment Bank
    This week in Marrakesh I'll have water very much on my mind as my colleagues and I join experts and partners from the world's development banks and international financial institutions to pin down just how we are going to put the Paris Agreement into practice and to assess our progress since last year.

  • Water green bond issues break $10bn barrier

    14 October 2016

    More than $10 billion has been raised by green bonds to be spent exclusively on water-related projects, Environmental Finance can reveal.

  • DC Water launches privately placed Environmental Impact Bond

    03 October 2016

    DC Water has launched what it claims is the first bond issued by a US entity that links interest payments to the performance of underlying green assets.

  • Industrial waste water fund reaches $320m final close

    12 August 2016

    A "first-of-its-kind" fund that invests in industrial water infrastructure has reached a $320 million final close, Environmental Finance can reveal.