
  • 'Blue bonds' could finance fish stock recovery

    24 August 2020

    Planet Tracker has proposed a 'blue bond' could be used to finance the replenishment of fish stocks by subsidising fishing firms to reduce capacity to allow population recovery.

  • Northern Trust boosts environmental data analytics capabilities

    20 August 2020

    Northern Trust has added further environmental data categories to its environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk exposure analytics services, amid demand from clients.

  • Biodiversity: lessons from the Dutch working group

    31 July 2020

    A number of leading Dutch financial institutions have joined forces to boost knowledge about biodiversity within the financial sector. Merel Hendriks and Simon Zwagemakers outline some of the key developments

  • The case for a Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures

    22 July 2020

    The finance sector has responded strongly to climate-related risks. Now it must do the same for nature-based risks, says Lord Goldsmith.

  • Environmental Finance's webinar - Renewable energy: mapping out the next investment push

    21 July 2020

    Join our webinars each Tuesday 10:00 EF / 15:00 BST

  • AgriFunds urged to improve natural capital risk disclosure

    07 July 2020

    Food and agriculture funds have been urged to improve reporting on nature-related risks, after a report showed major investors in the sector were materially exposed to the financial risks associated with natural capital threats.

  • KKR-backed platform makes water acquisition

    24 June 2020

    A 'platform' of water cleaning companies established by private equity giant KKR and XPV Water Partners has bought a manufacturer of diffused aeration systems, and said it plans further acquisitions.

  • Valuing water now can prevent another global catastrophe

    20 May 2020

    Investors must learn from Covid-19 and take urgent action to tackle the intertwined climate and water crises, says Kirsten James of Ceres

  • Meat industry "burying head in the sand" over climate risk

    17 March 2020

    Many of the major global meat producers are failing to adapt to climate change challenges, a report has argued.

  • Best performing funds of 2019: BNP Paribas Aqua

    26 February 2020

    Growing pressure to regulate so-called 'forever chemicals' helped boost the performance of water testing companies in BNP Paribas' Aqua fund, Justin Winter tells Michael Hurley