
  • 'Innovative' asset-backed securities raise $100m

    24 December 2013

    A company that invests in sustainable infrastructure projects has issued its first asset-backed securities, in an "innovative" transaction that has raised $100 million.

  • 2014: A better year for carbon?

    19 December 2013

    After what has arguably been the toughest ever year in the world's largest carbon markets, leading analysts expect prices to pick up in the EU and California to continue to make steady progress. Elza Holmstedt Pell reports

  • HSBC's Climate Change Index outperforms in 2013, led by energy efficiency

    19 December 2013

    HSBC's Climate Change Index (CCI) has outperformed wider markets so far in 2013 for the first time since 2007, after making a "remarkable return to favour" among public investors.

  • China launches fourth and biggest carbon market

    17 December 2013

    China's fourth pilot carbon market has begun operating in Guangdong, the country's most populous province.

  • Time to advance?

    17 December 2013

    Advanced biofuel makers have disappointed some investors in their struggle to ramp up production to a commercial scale. But do recent plant developments and investment decisions indicate that the sector is turning a corner, asks Elza Holmstedt Pell

  • EU Council adopts backloading

    17 December 2013

    The EU Council has formally adopted a plan to delay the sale of 900 million carbon allowances to support prices in the region's emissions trading system (ETS), ending a long legislative process.

  • Improved Markit registry doubles users, helped by Gold Standard

    17 December 2013

    Markit has enhanced its online registry for carbon credits in a move it believes will give a welcome boost to liquidity in the voluntary markets.

  • So far, so good...

    12 December 2013

    It's been a solid first year for California's cap-and-trade scheme, and market participants are upbeat about 2014, when new buyers will likely emerge and the programme will link with Quebec. Elza Holmstedt Pell reports

  • Swedish government aims to buy 10 million CERs

    12 December 2013

    A Swedish government agency has issued a call for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project proposals, after announcing plans to buy up to 10 million carbon offsets.

  • EU governments nearing deal on backloading

    11 December 2013

    Most EU countries have called for swift implementation of a plan to boost prices in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and have backed a Commission proposal on how to implement the plan.