
  • Rating agencies are 'not adequately taking ESG into account'

    06 February 2014

    Credit rating agencies are currently failing to adequately take account of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, a conference heard, with some market participants rating their performance as just three out of 10.

  • Canada carbon exchange partners with global spot exchange CTX

    06 February 2014

    The North American Climate Exchange (NACX) in Alberta has partnered with the Carbon Trade Exchange (CTX) to bring its members a new electronic trading platform and access to international offsets.

  • The European Commission is taking a big gamble with the CDM

    05 February 2014

    Gareth Phillips says the European Commission is wrong to exclude international emission reduction credits from the EU carbon market after 2021.

  • EEX announces fee holiday for renewables credits

    31 January 2014

    An exchange is to waive fees for traders of Guarantees of Origin (GoO) renewable energy certificates, in a bid to boost the attractiveness of the market.

  • Conservation finance 'has $300bn a year market potential', says report

    30 January 2014

    The development of a market to finance conservation projects could attract between $200 billion and $300 billion of private capital per year, a new report has claimed.

  • Setting the standard

    23 January 2014

    As the Gold Standard celebrates its 10th anniversary, it is on the verge of expanding its reach beyond carbon projects and into water, says Katie Kouchakji

  • EU ETS oversupply to disappear by 2025 if Commission plan is adopted – UBS

    23 January 2014

    The European Commission proposed 2030 Climate and Energy package would remove the entire oversupply in the region's carbon market by 2025 if adopted, according to analysts.

  • Solar fund targets £150m IPO

    23 January 2014

    One of Europe's largest solar farm managers today revealed plans to become the latest renewables group to tap the public markets.

  • Commission eyes 'stability reserve' to support EU ETS

    21 January 2014

    The European Commission is expected to announce tomorrow plans to set up a reserve of emission allowances to help revive the EU's troubled emissions trading system (ETS).

  • Australia faces laws of unintended consequences

    21 January 2014

    Australia's change of direction on climate change policy is causing concern among the financial community. Graham Cooper reports