
  • Certifier UL approves use of petrol pumps for 15% ethanol

    25 February 2009

    After strong objections from the US ethanol lobby, a major product safety certification organisation has reversed course and agreed that standard petrol pumps can dispense safely petrol mixed with up to 15% ethanol.

  • RiskMetrics acquires Innovest for $16 million

    19 February 2009

    Financial research and advisory firm RiskMetrics is to buy Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, a leading environmental, social and governance (ESG) research company.

  • Pictet hoping for €1 billion in 'megatrends' fund

    19 February 2009

    Pictet is launching what it claims is a first-of-its-kind 'megatrends' fund that includes exposure to its water, clean energy and timber investment themes.

  • Analyst expects CCS to surge following US stimulus package

    19 February 2009

    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has received a fillip from the US, with $3.5 billion earmarked in President Barack Obama's stimulus package for demonstration projects and growing support at the state level.

  • US stimulus package provides large boost for biomass energy but little for biofuels

    18 February 2009

    US biomass energy looks set to be a big beneficiary of the $787bn economic stimulus package signed this month by the US president Barack Obama but ethanol and biodiesel received limited support.

  • Evian and Volvic to become 'plastic neutral' in UK

    12 February 2009

    Danone Waters plans to make Evian and Volvic bottled water 'plastics-neutral' in the UK, through the use of recycled plastic.

  • Vattenfall unveils SEK5.6bn switch to biomass fuel

    11 February 2009

    Swedish utility Vattenfall is to spend SEK5.6bn ($670m) to convert two of its three Danish combined heat and power plants to run on biomass as well as coal, as part of a SEK82bn programme to reduce emissions in the Nordic region.

  • Further failures in US ethanol sector

    04 February 2009

    US ethanol producers continue to fall victim to the economic crisis with two more companies filing for bankruptcy protection.

  • A sustainable reinvention

    01 February 2009

    The financial sector needs to reinvent itself in the aftermath of the credit crunch. Sustainable investment should be central to that reinvention, say Cary Krosinsky and Nick Robins

  • Tsing Capital fund gets Japanese backing

    01 February 2009

    The Japan Bank for International Cooperation and the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ have each invested $15 million in Tsing Capital's China Environment Fund III, which is seeking up to $250 million.