
  • Obama's plan to start a US-wide trade in clean energy credits?

    24 February 2011

    US President Barack Obama's proposed federal clean energy standard (CES) would allow utilities to trade credits on a national level to lower compliance costs, according to a White House report.

  • US Democrats to fight cuts to clean energy support

    24 February 2011

    US Senate Democrats are pushing back against an attempt to gut funding for clean energy by Republicans in the House of Representatives, in a battle over the budget which is bringing the government close to a shut-down.

  • Drax calls for biomass co-firing support as capacity left idle

    22 February 2011

    The operators of England's 4GW coal-fired power station Drax today admitted to leaving its biomass capacity partially idle because of "insufficient regulatory support".

  • Record number of shareholder calls for US, Canadian energy firms to disclose environment risks

    21 February 2011

    Energy companies in the US and Canada are facing a burgeoning shareholder revolt over inadequate disclosure of environmental risks.

  • Chevron investors shrug off $8.6bn pollution fine

    17 February 2011

    An Ecuadorian court has a slim chance of enforcing an $8.6 billion pollution fine against Chevron, according to one lawyer, and investors seem unconcerned with the development.

  • Emerging market executives take lead on sustainability – survey

    17 February 2011

    'Sustainable' business practices are seen as more important in the developing world than in developed countries, according to a survey of executives – and the gap is set to widen.

  • LED group targets $150m IPO

    17 February 2011

    Florida-based Lighting Science Group aims to raise $150 million in an initial public offering (IPO).

  • Acting on its principles

    14 February 2011

    Emerging markets private equity fund Actis is placing ESG analysis and risk management at the heart of its investment processes – and is hoping to put a financial number on its effects. Mark Nicholls reports

  • Clean energy standard to fail in US Congress, predicts MidAmerican

    10 February 2011

    The odds are against passage of a US federal clean energy standard (CES) and against legislation to prevent the so-called regulatory train wreck, according to utility MidAmerican Energy.

  • Khosla-backed biofuels firm Gevo rises after IPO

    10 February 2011

    Shares in Gevo rose as much as 16% in their first day of trading on Nasdaq yesterday, following an initial public offering (IPO) of the Vinod Khosla-backed biofuels and renewable chemicals firm that was priced at the top of its range.