
  • No role for PRI in policing ESG implementation – Gifford

    23 February 2012

    The Principles for Responsible investment (PRI) secretariat has no role in policing how its signatories address environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, its executive director has said.

  • Oil and water

    21 February 2012

    Relatively few energy companies responded to the CDP Water Disclosure – but those that did reported high levels of exposure to water issues. Deloitte's Will Sarni considers the implications

  • Drax burns more biomass, but abandons dedicated plant

    21 February 2012

    Drax, the UK's largest coal-fired power generator, has cancelled plans for a dedicated biomass power station because of uncertainty in proposed subsidies and its inland location.

  • UK's clean-tech venture fund commits £60m to six funds

    20 February 2012

    A clean-technology venture capital fund backed by the UK government has committed almost half its reserves to six funds, and is in negotiations for a seventh fund investment and a direct investment in a UK company.

  • Investors welcome UK renewables reforms, but eschew solar

    14 February 2012

    Managers of funds investing in UK renewable energy projects have welcomed some of the proposed changes to feed-in tariffs (FiT) announced last week, but say they are unlikely to invest in new solar projects.

  • Proportion of top-rated ESG strategies to rise, says Mercer

    14 February 2012

    Around 9% of investment strategies assessed by Mercer are "highly rated" in environmental, social and governance (ESG) terms, a number the investment consultant expects to rise.

  • Low Carbon Accelerator goes into reverse

    13 February 2012

    Low Carbon Accelerator (LCA), a London-listed company specialising in low-carbon venture capital investment, is to begin liquidating its portfolio after a disappointing performance.

  • Actis offers 'impact assessment' tool to private equity industry

    09 February 2012

    Private equity firm Actis has introduced a tool to assess the environmental and social impacts of its investments in the energy sector, with a view to better identifying how its investments are adding value.

  • Aviva move bad news for SRI, good news for ESG integration – Waygood

    07 February 2012

    Aviva Investors' proposed move out of its sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) funds is "not good news for SRI at Aviva Investors, but there is good news for ESG integration", according to the London-based firm's new chief responsible investment officer.

  • Ecofin acquires Australian asset management firm

    07 February 2012

    London-based investment management firm Ecofin has launched an Australian subsidiary on the back of a local acquisition.