
  • Drax profits fall, but shares rise amid biomass conversion plans

    19 February 2013

    Profits dropped at Western Europe's biggest coal-fired electricity plant as it invested in plans to convert to running mainly on biomass – but it remains confident the transformation will deliver "attractive returns to shareholders".

  • PRI showcases ESG integration approaches

    14 February 2013

    The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) secretariat has published two reports to help investors better incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment decision making.

  • Fund set for UK solar buying spree

    13 February 2013

    A private equity fund backed by leading UK investor Jon Moulton is planning to ramp up its investments in industrial solar power installations, having deployed almost £40 million ($62.6 million) since December 2011.

  • Giving credit to water benefits

    12 February 2013

    A novel partnership is bringing lessons from the carbon markets to the challenge of financing water projects in developing countries. Sascha Lafeld and Jacob Bourgeois explain the Water Benefit Certificate initiative

  • Axa draws up ESG framework for sovereign debt

    11 February 2013

    Axa Investment Managers (Axa IM) has unveiled a new framework for analysing countries' environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance and has suggested ways in which it can be applied to sovereign debt portfolios.

  • Key US tax incentive is revived

    08 February 2013

    US officials have found $150 million to resurrect a key tax incentive programme for clean energy projects.

  • BA, Dong, UPM seek to boost sustainable biofuels use

    08 February 2013

    British Airways and six European biofuel producers have joined forces to speed up the deployment of second-generation biofuels in the region.

  • Shale gas impacts on surface water, not groundwater, greater concern to experts

    08 February 2013

    The impacts of shale gas development on surface water are a greater environmental concern to US experts than the effects on groundwater, according to a first-of-its kind survey carried out by Resources for the Future (RFF).

  • Equator Principles chair rebuts World Growth attack

    07 February 2013

    The chairwoman of the Equator Principles Association has dismissed claims that its voluntary social and environmental standards destroy shareholder value and trample the rights of host countries.

  • Market mechanisms have a role in protecting wetlands – TEEB

    05 February 2013

    Tradable permit schemes, payments for ecosystem services and other market-based instruments can play an important role in encouraging the efficient use of water resources and protecting wetlands, according to a new report.