
  • IFC, Masdar join forces on $1.5bn clean energy investments

    17 May 2013

    The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has signed an agreement which could see it invest $1.5 billion in clean energy projects developed by Abu Dhabi's Masdar.

  • Impax sees 22% rise in AUM

    17 May 2013

    Buoyant equity markets and a growing awareness of environmental themes among institutional investors drove a 22% rise in assets under management (AUM) at Impax.

  • CCS 'on the way to being cost-competitive' in UK

    16 May 2013

    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has the potential to be cost-competitive with renewables in the UK, a report has claimed, but the government needs to continue to improve its subsidies regime to help bring down the cost of finance.

  • Banks back 'broader, more robust' Equator Principles

    14 May 2013

    Financial institutions that have signed up to the Equator Principles (EP) have backed a new, more robust, version of the voluntary rules for banks' project finance activities.

  • BioAmber completes $80m IPO after slashing offer price

    10 May 2013

    Biochemicals company BioAmber sold eight million shares to the public today in a listing described by one analyst as 'a huge victory' for the industry.

  • UK's Green Investment Bank catalyses £2.3bn of investment

    09 May 2013

    The UK's Green Investment Bank (GIB) has mobilised £2.3 billion ($3.6 billion) of capital in its first five months of operation, with every £1 it invested being matched by almost £3 from the private sector, it said today.

  • PGE drops CCS plans, blames lack of funding

    07 May 2013

    Polish utility PGE confirmed it has cancelled plans to build a carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration plant, due to a failure to secure enough funding for the project.

  • Renewables association slams NGOs' anti-biomass subsidy campaign

    03 May 2013

    The debate over the sustainability of biomass has been pushed back under the spotlight after the Renewable Energy Association (REA) hit out at NGOs that called for the UK government to lower its subsidies for the fuel.

  • First concentrated solar PV project bond issued

    01 May 2013

    Semi-conductor manufacturer Soitec has issued what it claims is the first ever publicly-listed project bond to help finance a concentrated solar photovoltaic (CPV) power plant.

  • Vattenfall's CCS ambitions will not be fulfilled, chairman says

    30 April 2013

    The chairman of Vattenfall has admitted the utility's carbon capture and storage (CCS) ambitions will not be fulfilled, in an apparent blow for the company's pledge not to build coal-fired power plants without the technology.