
  • Impact investments can match traditional asset returns, studies claim

    31 October 2013

    Two studies of impact investments claim to show that investors would sacrifice little, if any, financial return by selecting their assets on environmental and social as well as economic grounds.

  • Carbon risks to investors similar to sub-prime mortgages - Al Gore

    30 October 2013

    Investors face a similar risk from carbon-intensive assets as they did from sub-prime mortgages, Al Gore, former US vice president and co-founder of Generation Investment Management, suggested today.

  • Italian environmental fund exceeds target for first close

    29 October 2013

    Ambienta, an Italian private equity investment manager, has announced the first close of its second fund focussed on European environmental technology companies.

  • Pension savers urged to press funds for action on climate change

    29 October 2013

    A campaign was launched today attempting to mobilise UK savers to demand that their pension funds take action on climate change amid warnings of 'stranded assets'.

  • Climate change risks to energy sector are underestimated, warn investors

    28 October 2013

    The rapid and dramatic changes to the global energy market wrought by the US shale gas revolution should serve as a warning of the changes that could arise from climate change, says a new report.

  • Call to financiers to fund emerging markets renewables revolution

    28 October 2013

    Financiers need to help the renewables industry shift its focus from the "dying" Western subsidies market and embrace the "phenomenal revolution" in emerging markets, a conference heard.

  • $3trn investor coalition heaps 'stranded asset' pressure on fossil fuel firms

    24 October 2013

    A coalition of investors worth $3 trillion has joined forces to write to 45 of the biggest oil and gas companies demanding how they are dealing with the threat of 'stranded assets'.

  • The hunt for Green Alpha

    24 October 2013

    Environmental Finance speaks to market players who see the climate change and resource scarcity themes as an opportunity, to track down the sectors and stocks that are currently exciting them

  • Macquarie targets Japanese solar through ¥100bn joint venture

    23 October 2013

    Macquarie Capital and Japanese construction and engineering group Maeda Corporation have launched a joint venture to invest in and raise finance for solar power projects.

  • The PRI evolves

    22 October 2013

    The Principles for Responsible Investment's new reporting and assessment methodology promises to put the heat on foot-dragging signatories. But should the PRI have gone further? Mark Nicholls reports