
  • $800bn 'oil fund' manager sets up climate change and water reporting framework

    03 January 2014

    The manager of Norway's NOK5 trillion ($800 billion) 'oil fund' has created frameworks to analyse and compare the quality of corporate reporting on climate change and water risks.

  • Calculating carbon: how emissions data is driving investment decisions

    02 January 2014

    Data reported by companies on their greenhouse gas emissions is increasingly being seen as 'material' by investors. Graham Cooper reports

  • Most Chinese funds believe good ESG improves financial returns

    23 December 2013

    The majority of Chinese mutual funds believe that companies that take environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues seriously generate better financial returns, a survey has revealed.

  • HSBC's Climate Change Index outperforms in 2013, led by energy efficiency

    19 December 2013

    HSBC's Climate Change Index (CCI) has outperformed wider markets so far in 2013 for the first time since 2007, after making a "remarkable return to favour" among public investors.

  • Looking back at 2013

    18 December 2013

    Stranded assets, retroactive subsidy cuts and backloading were among the themes that dominated the markets in 2013. Peter Cripps looks back on some of the highs and lows of the past 12 months.

  • Time to advance?

    17 December 2013

    Advanced biofuel makers have disappointed some investors in their struggle to ramp up production to a commercial scale. But do recent plant developments and investment decisions indicate that the sector is turning a corner, asks Elza Holmstedt Pell

  • Impact investments not a true asset class, says investment advisor

    16 December 2013

    Institutional investors should consider impact investments on an opportunistic basis, rather than as an asset class with a specific allocation target, says US advisory firm Cambridge Associates.

  • Alceda, ECPI launch sustainability fund

    16 December 2013

    Alceda Fund Management has partnered with ECPI, a Milan-based provider of sustainability research, ratings and indexes, to launch the ECPI Sustainable Megatrend fund.

  • Solar fund to make first investment

    16 December 2013

    A recently formed solar photovoltaic (PV) asset management business expects to make its first investment this week, Environmental Finance can reveal.

  • Impax renewables fund more than 60% committed after new investments

    13 December 2013

    Impax's second investment fund has announced new investments in renewable energy in Italy, Germany, Finland and Ireland.